
One platform with all the features you need.

Our most loved platform-wide features by those on Tilma.

Person-Based Permissions
Control Access & Editing Permissions - Give team members access just to the pages and data that they need without compromising secure information.
Formbuilder That Isn’t Clunky - Build out any kind of form you need in just a few minutes. You can even add payments, email subscriptions, and more.
Content Library
Engage Deeply - Get access to great content to help nudge your people into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Pre-Built Templates
Free Up Your Time - Pre-built templates, forms, and ministry pages that can be customized or used as they are.
Giving Experience
Encourage More Donations - An amazing giving process that eliminates barriers and helps create more completed gifts.
Customer Support & Resources - We're with you every step of the way from set up onward including tool support and ministry consulting. Plus, get videos and tutorials on all new tools and features.

A few more Tilma features worth noting.

Always Keep Data Safe
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User Accounts Across all Tilma Tools
Easy Content Editor
Built for Any Skill Level
Incredible Tech & Ministry Support
Streamlined Registrations
See All FeaturesFeature Roadmap

Unlock your ministry potential.

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